Deproteinization of Shrimp Shell Waste by Kurthia gibsonii Mb126 immobilized chitinase

Mini K. Paul1*, K.D. Mini2, Ally C. Antony1 and Jyothis Mathew3

Article: 7385 | Pages: 909-923

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Different Exercise Intensity Associates with Varied Disease Biomarkers of Guts-Microbiome Genera Change in Rats:...

Vimolmas Tansathitaya1*, Witchana Sarasin2, Tanapati Phakham2, Vorthon Sawaswong3, Prangwalai Chanchaem3 and Sunchai Payungporn3

Article: 7545 | Pages: 1130-1137

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Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome due to COVID-19 in India and efficacy of Indian Siddha...

P. Rajeshbabu1, K.Priadharsini2, S.U. Mohammed Riyaz3 and Manikandan Dhayalan4*

Article: 7279 | Pages: 763-768

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Development of Multiplex-PCR Method to Detect Three Bacterial Species in Food and their Use...

Elgadafey Bashir H. Ahmed1, Nazik M. Eltayeb2, Mohamed Osman Elamin3*, Tassnym H. Sinky3, Ali M. Alshehri3, Ahmed A. Osman3 and Mashael S. Alfaifi3

Article: 7618 | Pages: 1350-1361

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Biosynthesis of Bimetallic Cu-Ag Nanocomposites and Evaluation of their Electrocatalytic, Antibacterial and Anti-Cancerous Activity

Jasmine Jacob1*, T. Augustine Arul Prasad1, B. Scholastica Mary Vithiya2 and M. Rosaline Athisa2

Article: 7433 | Pages: 955-966

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