Molecular Identification and Characterization of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria and their Effect on Seed...

Kumari Divyanshu*, Mukesh Yadav, Vaishali Shukla, Sunil Kumar, Yashoda Nandan Tripathi and Ram Sanmukh Upadhyay

Article: 7515 | Pages: 974-989

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A Review on the Potential Species of the Zingiberaceae Family with Anti-viral Efficacy...

APB Balaji1, Srinivasan Bhuvaneswari2,3, Leon Stephan Raj4, Giridharan Bupesh5*, Kishore Kumar Meenakshisundaram6 and Konda Mani Saravanan6*

Article: 7542 | Pages: 796-813

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Evaluation of Colistin Broth Disk Elution and Colistin Agar Test: A study from Tertiary...

S.R. Sujatha, R. Deepashree*, A. Tejashree and Sathya Sai

Article: 7444 | Pages: 885-890

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Knowledge, Attitude, Perception and Psychological Status of Healthcare Workers During COVID-19 Outbreak in Libya:...

Mawada Bashir Ahmed Lagaa1*, Mohammed Abdelfatah Alhoot2 and Mohammed Faez Baobaid2

Article: 7594 | Pages: 1370-1383

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Phytostimulating Potential of Endophytic Bacteria from Ethnomedicinal Plants of North-East Indian Himalayan Region

K. Tamreihao1, Asem Kajal Devi1, Pangamba Langamba1, Heikham Naresh Singh1, Pintubala Kshetri1, Chongtham Rajiv1, Thangjam Surchandra Singh1, Tabitha Langhu1, Susheel Kumar Sharma1, Meraj Alam Ansari2 and Subhra Saikat Roy1*

Article: 6989 | Pages: 747-762

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Prevalence and Risk Factors of Staphylococcal Subclinical Mastitis in Dairy Animals of Chitwan, Nepal

Bibas Bahadur Tiwari1, Deepak Subedi1, Suman Bhandari1, Prajjwal Shrestha1, Chet Raj Pathak2, Deepak Chandran3, Gita Pandey2*, Pran Mohankumar4 and Kuldeep Dhama5

Article: 7829 | Pages: 1392-1403

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