Vaccines against Coronavirus Disease: Target Proteins, Immune Responses, and Status of Ongoing Clinical Trials
Rike Syahniar1*, Maria Berlina Purba2, Heri Setiyo Bekti3 and Mardhia Mardhia4
Article: 6476 | Pages: 2253-2263
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Production and Characterization of Extracellular Polymeric Substances by marine Halomonas sp. NASH isolated from...
Asmaa M. Youssif1*, Moaz M. Hamed2 and Mohamed A.A. Abdrabo2
Article: 6522 | Pages: 2745-2756
Abstract | Full Text | PDF | XML
Mycoplasma pneumoniae: Atypical Pathogen in Community Acquired Pneumonia
Abdul-Rahman Mamdouh Mohammad1, Rehab Mahmoud Abd El-Baky2,3 and Eman Farouk Ahmed3*
Article: 6673 | Pages: 2265-2276
Abstract | Full Text | PDF | XML
Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis: Correlation between Positivity of Acid-Fast Bacilli Sputum and Time to Conversion on...
Tutik Kusmiati*, Anita Nur Charisma, Nur Prasetyo Nugroho and Soedarsono
Article: 6080 | Pages: 2443-2451
Abstract | Full Text | PDF | XML
Can COVID-19 Be Transmitted Sexually by Semen?
Ahmed E. Taha1,2
Article: 6690 | Pages: 2287-2293
Abstract | Full Text | PDF | XML
Synergistic Inhibitory Activity of Bacillomycin D, Surfactin and Nisin against Thermoascus crustaceus, Neosartorya hiratsukae...
Uttara Vairagkar1,2, Rutuja Ankulkar1, Zafar Ahmed1 and Yasmin Mirza1*
Article: 6674 | Pages: 2555-2567
Abstract | Full Text | PDF | XML
Optimization of Keratinase Production and Utilization of Bacillus pumilus for Feather Degradation
S. Dhiva1, C. Akshara1, K. Afna1, U. Dhanush1, P. Arya1, S. Saigeetha2, S. Abirami3, Angel Abraham4, R. Emilin Renitta4 and Antony V. Samrot5*
Article: 6593 | Pages: 2483-2489
Abstract | Full Text | PDF | XML
Antibiotics Susceptibility Profile and Synergistic Effects of Flavonoids with Antibiotics against Resistant Staphylococcus aureus...
Rudra Mishra and Pasupathi Rathinasabapathi*
Article: 6705 | Pages: 2669-2676
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Quantification of FEND and ITUDI Anti-fungal Lipopeptide Gene Expression in Bacillus megaterium using RT-qPCR
Viviana Pamela Chiluisa-Utreras1*, Katherine Alejandra Medrano Jara2, Andrés Sebastián Cadena Paredes2 and Ramiro Daniel Acurio1
Article: 6633 | Pages: 2339-2349
Abstract | Full Text | PDF | XML
Lignocellulosic Waste Degradation Potential of Some Cellulolytic Fungal Strains Isolated from Putrid Fruits
H.A. Akinyele*1, A.A.T. Taliat2, G.C. Enwerem2, O.G. Dawodu2 and O.S. Owojuyigbe2
Article: 6128 | Pages: 2585-2593
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