ISSN: 0973-7510

E-ISSN: 2581-690X

Research Article | Open Access
S. Dhiva1, C. Akshara1, K. Afna1, U. Dhanush1, P. Arya1, S. Saigeetha2, S. Abirami3, Angel Abraham4, R. Emilin Renitta4 and Antony V. Samrot5
1Department of Microbiology, Sree Narayana College, Alathur, Palakkad – 678 682, Kerala, India.
2Department of Biotechnology, School of Bio and Chemical Engineering, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Shollinganallur, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Chennai – 600 119, Tamil Nadu, India.
3Department of Micrbiology, Kamaraj College, Thoothukudi, Thirunelveli – 628 003, Tamil Nadu, India.
4Department of Food Processing, Karunya Institute of Technology and Science, Coimbatore – 641 114, Tamil Nadu, India.
5School of Bioscience, Faculty of Medicine, Bioscience and Nursing, MAHSA University, Jalan SP2, Bandar Saujana Putra, 42610, Selangor, Malaysia.
J Pure Appl Microbiol. 2020;14(4):2483-2489 | Article Number: 6593 | © The Author(s). 2020
Received: 11/08/2020 | Accepted: 17/11/2020 | Published: 30/12/2020

Soil samples were collected from the feather dumped area where Bacillus pumilus was isolated and used for keratinase production and keratinolytic activity. In the optimization study, optimal condition for enzyme production was observed at 144 h, pH 7, temperature 37°C. The organism was utilized for feather degradation study. The maximum degradation of 57% was obtained at 37°C, pH 7 and 6 days incubation. The size of keratinase was determined by SDS- PAGE and was observed as 52 KDa.


Keratinase, feather, keratinolytic bacteria, SDS-PAGE

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