Molecular Detection of Esbl Genes in Antibiotic Resistant Aeromonas hydrophila Isolates

Sheela1, S. Jayasurya Kingsley1, Flora Rayappan2 and Florida Tilton2

Pages: 2459-2464

Abstract  |  PDF

Effects of Three Fungicides on Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Transformed Carrot Hairy Roots/AM Fungus...

Cheng Gong1, Guomin Han1, Weiyun Miao, Feifei Wang, Haiyang Jiang* and Suwen Zhu*

Pages: 2141-2150

Abstract  |  PDF

The High Additional Value Products and Antimicrobial Activity of Chlorella protothecoides

Jianrui Sun, Yan Liu, Baimei Zhang, Mingyue Guo, Yi Cao and Dairong Qiao1

Pages: 1857-1865

Abstract  |  PDF

Designation of Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) for Diagnosis of Fusarium solani in Corneal Samples...

Atousa Ferdousi1*, Mohammad Hassan Shahhosseiny2,3, Mansour Bayat1, Seied Jamal Hashemi4 and Mohammad Ghahri5

Pages: 2291-2297

Abstract  |  PDF

Production of Dextran using Leuconostoc mesenteroides NCIM-2198 and its Media Optimization by Response Surface...

Shivendu Ranjan1, Amod Kumar1,2, Nandita Dasgupta1, Sathiavelu Arunachalam2* and Ramalingam Chidambaram1

Pages: 2359-2367

Abstract  |  PDF

Role of Fungi Inhabiting Soil, Cow Dung and Sewage in Degrading Polyethylene Terephthalate and...

S. Umamaheswari*, M. Murali and R. Thiyagarajan

Pages: 2465-2471

Abstract  |  PDF