CSE (Ceftriaxone+ Sulbactam+ Disodium Edta): A Possible Solution to the Global Antimicrobial Resistance Pandemic

Shalini Upadhyay* , Anita Chakravarti, Tanisha Bharara and Sushmita Yadav

Article: 6408 |   Pages: 2039-2045

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Dodonaea viscosa Jacq: A Medicinal Plant with Cytotoxic Effect on Colon Cancer Cell Line...

Oscar Herrera-Calderon1*, Md. Habibur Rahman2, Gilmar Pena-Rojas3 and Vidalina Andia-Ayme4

Article: 6556 |   Pages: 1927-1934

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Impact of Field and Laboratory Environmental Conditions on the Diversity of Wood-Decay Fungi in...

Nawaf I. Alshammari1, Vajid N. Veettil1, Abdel Moneim E. Sulieman1* and S.L. Stephenson2

Article: 6409 |   Pages: 1801-1808

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Biosorption of Mercury Ion (Hg2+) using Live and Dead Cells of Rhizopus oryzae and...

Siti Nur Izzati Saiful Anuar1, Farhana Othman1, Tay Chia Chay2 and Nor Atikah Husna Ahmad Nasir1*

Article: 6447 |   Pages: 1749-1760

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Optimization and Molecular Characterization of Lipase Producing Bacillus subtilis Strain Rcps3 and Bacillus fumarioli...

Ramya Chouhan, Suresh Lapaka, Nagaraju Alpula and Srinivas Podeti*

Article: 6096 |   Pages: 2063-2074

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Antibacterial, Antibiofilm and Antioxidant Activities of some Medicinal Plants from Pharmacopoeia of Tassili N’ajjer

Abdelkader Benhelima1,3*, Olivier Vidal2, Zohra Kaid-Omar3, Rabea Sahki4 and Jean-Marie Lacroix2

Article: 6257 |   Pages: 1835-1844

Abstract  |  Full Text  |  PDF  |  XML


A Retrospective Analysis of Influence of Environmental/Air Temperature and Relative Humidity on Sars-CoV-2 Outbreak

Md. Arifur Rahman1,5†, Md. Golzar Hossain1,7†, Atul Chandra Singha3,8†, Md. Sayeedul Islam4 and Md Ariful Islam2,6*

Article: 6631 |   Pages: 1705-1714

Abstract  |  Full Text  |  PDF  |  XML


Heat Treatment Reduces Bacterial Contamination of Medicinal Plants Grown in A Community Garden

Cleusa Fernandes Ramos1, Andreia Assuncao Soares2*, Isabela Carvalho dos Santos3, Felipe Andre Pereira Ramos4, Odair Alberton5, Luciana Kazue Otutumi6, Lidiane Nunes Barbosa6, Ricardo de Melo Germano7, Daniela Dib Goncalves8, Luiz Sergio Merlini9

Article: 6293 |   Pages: 1817-1823

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