Aeration Rate Effect on the Growth Kinetics, Phytase Production and Plasmid Stability of...

Nor Zalina Othman1, Elsayed A. Elsayed2,3, Roslinda Abd Malek1, Solleh Ramli1, Helmy J. Masri1, Mohamed R. Sarmidi1, Ramlan Aziz1, Mohamad A. Wadaan2, Rajni Hatti-Kaul4 and Hesham A. El Enshasy1,4*

Pages: 2721-2728

Abstract  |  PDF

Antimicrobial Activity of Biosynthesized Silver Oxide Nanoparticles

K. Vithiya, Rajendran Kumar and Shampa Sen*

Pages: 3263-3268

Abstract  |  PDF

Germination, Seedling Growth, Amylase and Protease Activities in Malaysian Upland Rice Seed under Microbial...

Abd Rahman Jabir Mohd Din1*, Siti Zulaiha Hanapi2, Nurhaziqah Supari2, Siti Atiqah Zainul Alam2, Muhammad Arshad Javed3, Lee Chew Tin4 and Mohamad Roji Sarmidi2

Pages: 2627-2635

Abstract  |  PDF

Broad Spectrum Antibiotics and Resistance in Non-target Bacteria: An Example from Tetracycline

Tahir Hussain1, Muhsin Jamal1, Faridah Nighat2 and Saadia Andleeb1

Pages: 2667-2671

Abstract  |  PDF

Management of Brown Rust (Puccinia recondita) of Wheat and its Impact on Yield under...

Nisar A. Dar1*, Rayees A. Ahanger1, S.K. Singh1, Hilal Ahmad Bhat2, Vikas Gupta1 and V.K. Razdan1

Pages: 3357-3362

Abstract  |  PDF

Optimization of Growth Medium using a Statistical Approach for the Production of Plant...

Vanaja Nuthalapati, Ramalingam Chidambaram*, Nandita Das Gupta,Shivendu Ranjan, Lina Rose Varghese and Sanjeeb Kumar Mandal

Pages: 3313-3324

Abstract  |  PDF

Effect of Different Parameters on the Growth of Cellulose Decomposing Bacteria

Ankita Tandel1*, Mohsin Topivala2, Amit Mehta2, Chaitanya Mogal2 and Mrugesh Khunt3

Pages: 3223-3228

Abstract  |  PDF

Real-Time PCR Detection of Arcobacter butzleri and Arcobacter cryaerophilus in Chicken Meat Samples

Thadiyam Puram Ramees1*, Ramswaroop Singh Rathore1, Prashanth Suresh Bagalkot1, G.V.P.P.S. Ravi Kumar2, Hosakote Venkatappa Mohan1, R. Anoopraj3, Ashok Kumar1 and Kuldeep Dhama3

Pages: 3165-3169

Abstract  |  PDF