Microbiological Appraisal of Feed Meal of Animal Origin, Produced by Drying and Grinding Installation

Ruslan Maratbekovich Iskakov1, Sultanbek Sansyzbaevich Issenov2, Assel Maratbekovna Iskakova3, Saule Halam1 and Dinara Maratbekovna Beisebekova4

Pages: 587-592

Abstract  |  PDF

Detection of Helicobacter pylori in Raw and Drinking Water of Ahvaz City, Iran...

Neisi Abdolkazem1, Baboli Zeynab*2, Moosavian Mojtaba3 and Khaghani Soheila3

Pages: 483-490

Abstract  |  PDF

Evaluation of Nested Polymerase Chain Reaction Technique in the Diagnosis of Female Genital TB...

S. Kanojia*, H. Singh, R. Gwal, S. Agarwal and V. Mishra1

Pages: 761-765

Abstract  |  PDF

Response of Integrated Nutrient Management on Growth, Yield Attributs and Yield of Grain...

C.R. Neeraja, M.V. Patel, H.K. Patel* and R.A. Patel

Pages: 823-826

Abstract  |  PDF

Optimized Production of Cellulase by Aspergillus niger Using Ricinus communis Seed Coat Waste

Subhash Ghodadara*, Prateek Shilpkar and Arvind Dungrechiya

Pages: 623-629

Abstract  |  PDF

Taxonomic Study of Algal Flora of Indus River Ponds at the Vicinity of Ghazi...

Allah Bakhsh Gulshan1, Amara Abid1 and Muhammad Irshad Arshad2

Pages: 705-713

Abstract  |  PDF

Combined T-RFLP and 16s rRNA Gene Library Analyse the Microbial Diversity in Changbai Mountain...

Honglei Wang1, 3, Wei Bing1, Xiaoli Zhou1, Yan Feng1,2* and Zuoming Zhang1*

Pages: 181-187

Abstract  |  PDF