Traditional Medicinal Uses and Natural Hosts of the Genus Ganoderma in North-Eastern Parts of...

Lempie K. Ekandjo and Percy M. Chimwamurombe*

Pages: 1139-1146

Abstract  |  PDF

Comparing the Results of Acoustically Evoked Short Latency Negative Responses Recorded by 500 and...

Seyedeh Nazanin Hajjari1, Maryam Ramezani1*, Abdolreza Sheibanizadeh2, Akram Pourbakht2, Homa Zarrinkoub3 and Mohammad Kamali2

Pages: 1163-1169

Abstract  |  PDF

Microbiological Quality of Different Poultry Feeds from a Retail Outlet at Thrissur, Kerala

Divya Rani Thomas1, B. Sunil1, C. Latha1 and Binoj Chacko4

Pages: 1493-1495

Abstract  |  PDF

Microbiological Pattern and Antibiotic Susceptibility of Isolates from Bronchiectasis

Iraj Pakzad1,4, Hasan Hosain Zadegan2*, Sohbhan Ghafurian1, Ali Hematian1 and Abbas Ali Imani Fooladi3

Pages: 1127-1132

Abstract  |  PDF