Clinical spectrum of dengue fever and dengue like infection in children, Central Karnataka, India

N.K. Kalappanvar1, C.S.VinodKumar2, K.G. Basavarajappa2, Chadrasekar Gouli1, D. Sanjay1 and R. Chandana1

Pages: 1321-1326

Abstract  |  PDF

Comparative Study of MIC Values of Fluconazole, Voriconazole and Flucytosine to Candida species

Saroj Golia, Vivek Hittinahalli, Mallika Reddy K. and Sujatha Karjigi

Pages: 1259-1263

Abstract  |  PDF

Diversity of Free Living Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria in Sugarcane Rhizosphere of Barak Valley, Assam

Debamita Chakraborty*, G.D. Sharma1 and B. Deb2

Pages: 1351-1355

Abstract  |  PDF

Degradation of Lignocellulosic Feed Stock by Fibrobacter succinogenes in the Production of Anhydrous Alcohol

Sampana Mutalik1, C.S. VinodKumar2, Subramanya Swamy1 and S. Manjappa1

Pages: 1381-1386

Abstract  |  PDF

Seropositivity of Toxoplasma Antibodies and its role in Pregnancy Wastage

Rekha Bachhiwal, Anita Singhal*, Suman Rishi, Leela Vyas, Rameshwari Bithu and Saroj Hooja

Pages: 1489-1492

Abstract  |  PDF

In vitro Antimicrobial Properties and Phytochemical Evaluation of Mature Seed Extracts of Wrightia tinctoria...

H.S. Nagalakshmi1, Arijit Das2* and Sourav Bhattacharya2

Pages: 1273-1279

Abstract  |  PDF

Oil-Biodegradation and Biosurfactant Production by Haloalkaliphilic Archaea isolated from Soda Lakes of the Wadi...

Samy A. Selim1, Saher M. El-Alfy1, Nashwa I. Hagagy1, Abeer A.I. Hassanin2, Rafat M. Khattab3, El Syaed A. El-Meleigy1, Mohamed H. Abdel Aziz1 and Teresa L. Maugeri4

Pages: 1011-1020

Abstract  |  PDF