Isolation and Characterization of Dominant Fungi from Rhizospheric Soil of Saussurea obvallata (DC.) Edgew....
Debasis Mitra1
, Anju Rani2*
, Lok Man S. Palni1, Komal Sharma1
, Navendra Uniyal1
, Akansha Chauhan1
, Prabhakar Semwal1
and Poonam Arya2
Article: 5672 | Pages: 1509-1515
Abstract | Full Text | PDF | XML
Entomopathogenic Bacteria, Xenorhabdus: An Alternative Biocontrol Agent for Integrated Management of Root-knot Nematode on...
Ahmed Nour El-Deen1,2*
, Akram Alghamdi1
, Amal Al-Barty1
, Hadeer Darwish3,4
, Basem Samra1,5
, Saqer Alotaibi3
and Bandar Al Bogami1 
Article: 5830 | Pages: 1499-1508
Abstract | Full Text | PDF | XML
Molecular Characterization of Streptomyces albogriseolus Excellent Mutants for Neomycin Production
Shaza Y.A. Qattan1* and A.A. Khattab2
Article: 5626 | Pages: 1489-1498
Abstract | Full Text | PDF | XML
Phytochemical and Antimicrobial Activity Evaluation of The Water Immiscible Solvent Extracts of Moringa
Abdulhakim Bawadekji1*
, Mohd. Imran2
, M.A.U. Mridha3
and Mouhanad Al Ali4
Article: 5815 | Pages: 1483-1488
Abstract | Full Text | PDF | XML
Metabolomic Profiling Elucidated by 1H- NMR and the Correlation with Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activity...
Hana Kadum
Article: 5679 | Pages: 1475-1482
Abstract | Full Text | PDF | XML
Molecular Detection of Oxa-48 β-lactamase in Proteus spp. causing UTI
Mohammed Jasim Al-Shamarti 
Article: 5654 | Pages: 1467-1473
Abstract | Full Text | PDF | XML
Diagnostic Performance of Xpert MTB /RIF in Comparison with LED Fluorescence Microscopy and Culture...
Vishnu Prasad Shenoy
, Ajay Kumar and Kiran Chawla*
Article: 5775 | Pages: 1461-1465
Abstract | Full Text | PDF | XML
Isolation and Characterization of Marine Endophytic Fungi from Seaweeds, and Bioactivity of their Crude...
Feroze Ahamed*
and Marudhamuthu Murugan
Article: 5665 | Pages: 1451-1460
Abstract | Full Text | PDF | XML
In vitro Biofilm Development and Enhanced Rhizosphere Colonization of Triticum aestivum by Fluorescent Pseudomonas...
Mohd. Musheer Altaf* and Iqbal Ahmad 
Article: 5739 | Pages: 1441-1449
Abstract | Full Text | PDF | XML
Bacteria for Butanol Production: Bottlenecks, Achievements and Prospects
Rajesh Kumar Sahoo
, Aradhana Das
, Mahendra Gaur
, Suchanda Dey
, Saubhagini Sahoo and Enketeswara Subudhi
Article: 5731 | Pages: 1429-1440
Abstract | Full Text | PDF | XML