Endotoxin Production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027 with Potential Medical Applications
Moustafa Y. El-Naggar1, Amira M. Hamdan2, Ehab A. Beltagy3, Hassan A.H. Ibrahim3, and Mahetab M. M. Moustafa1*
Article: 5477 | Pages: 97-106
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Prospective Influence of Phytotherapy on Resistant Bacterial Tonsillitis
Amad A. El Marghani1*, Khaled A. Algariri2 and P.M. Ridzuan3
Article: 5358 | Pages: 167-178
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Emerging Antibiotic Resistance in Mycoplasma Microorganisms, Designing Effective and Novel Drugs / Therapeutic Targets: Current...
Mohd. Iqbal Yatoo*1, Oveas Raffiq Parray1, Riyaz Ahmed Bhat1, Muheet1, Arumugam Gopalakrishnan2, Archana Saxena3, Sandip Chakraborty4, Ruchi Tiwari5, Sandip Kumar Khurana6, Shoor Vir Singh7 and Kuldeep Dhama8
Article: 5501 | Pages: 27-44
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Infection Control Programme to Reduce the Number of Nosocomial Organism Causing Infection
T. Jayasree and Mustafa Afzal*
Article: 5226 | Pages: 573-579
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Cytokine Release Syndrome: An Overview on its Features and Management
Shailza Shreshtha1, Pradeep Kumar1, Preeti Sharma1* and Rachna Sharma2
Article: 5506 | Pages: 133-140
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Urinary Tract Infection During Pregnancy: Prevalence, Associated Risk Factors and Treatment Outcome Based on...
Pragya Lakshmi1,2*, Ranjan Kumar Srivastava2 and Alok Bharadwaj1
Article: 5446 | Pages: 561-565
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Determination of Level of 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D3 in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis and Its...
Muhammad Jamal Yawuz1*, Muhammad Qais Fadhil Ahmed2 and Sarmad Abdulrasool Mohammed3
Article: 5416 | Pages: 545-551
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Phenotypic Detection and Quality Assessment of Indoor Air-Borne Microorganisms Using Passive Air Sampling Technique...
Valentina Y.* and Umadevi S.
Article: 5472 | Pages: 241-245
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Increasing Nutritional Contents of Cassava Starch Wastes Using Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) P.Kumm. and Lentinus...
Kitti Wirunpan1*, Sakesan Chinwang2, Nareerat Chaikong1 and Charida Pukahuta1
Article: 5363 | Pages: 117-125
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Chemical Constituents of the Goat Margarine and Antibacterial Activity against Bacterial Pathogens in Sudan
Rasha Khalid Abbas1,2
Article: 5483 | Pages: 225-232
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