The Influence of Antivaccination Movements on the Re-emergence of Measles
Calderón Rodríguez Nelly Patricia1, Jerez Pacheco Yary Zulay1, Ruvalcaba Ledezma Jesús Carlos2, Chavarría Miranda Alejandra3, Jiménez Sánchez Reyna Cristina4 and Reynoso Vázquez Josefina5*
Article: 5302 | Pages: 127-132
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Recent Progress in Metal-Microbe Interactions: Prospects in Bioremediation
Gamal E.H. Osman1,2, Hussein H. Abulreesh1*, Khaled Elbanna1,3, Mohammed R. Shaaban1,4, Samreen5 and Iqbal Ahmad5
Article: 5460 | Pages: 13-26
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Cytokine Release Syndrome: An Overview on its Features and Management
Shailza Shreshtha1, Pradeep Kumar1, Preeti Sharma1* and Rachna Sharma2
Article: 5506 | Pages: 133-140
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Emerging Antibiotic Resistance in Mycoplasma Microorganisms, Designing Effective and Novel Drugs / Therapeutic Targets: Current...
Mohd. Iqbal Yatoo*1, Oveas Raffiq Parray1, Riyaz Ahmed Bhat1, Muheet1, Arumugam Gopalakrishnan2, Archana Saxena3, Sandip Chakraborty4, Ruchi Tiwari5, Sandip Kumar Khurana6, Shoor Vir Singh7 and Kuldeep Dhama8
Article: 5501 | Pages: 27-44
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Anti Angiogenic Activity of Carica papaya Leaf Extract
Nidhi Tayal, Priyansh Srivastava and Nidhi Srivastava*
Article: 5441 | Pages: 567-571
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A Review on Macrophage Activation Syndrome
Preeti Sharma1*, Shailza Shreshtha1, Pradeep Kumar1, Rachna Sharma2 and T.K. Mahapatra1
Article: 5505 | Pages: 183-191
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Endotoxin Production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027 with Potential Medical Applications
Moustafa Y. El-Naggar1, Amira M. Hamdan2, Ehab A. Beltagy3, Hassan A.H. Ibrahim3, and Mahetab M. M. Moustafa1*
Article: 5477 | Pages: 97-106
Abstract | Full Text | PDF | XML
Antiviral Activity of Mangifera Extract on Influenza Virus Cultivated in Different Cell Cultures
Amin A.S. Al Rawi1*, Hajir Sh.H. Al Dulaimi2 and Marwa A.A. Al Rawi3
Article: 5428 | Pages: 455-458
Abstract | Full Text | PDF |  XML
Hepatitis E: Current Status in India and Other Asian Countries
Harsh Kumar1, Nassim Kamar2 and Dinesh Kumar1*
Article: 5457 | Pages: 141-159
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Reinforcement of the Antioxidative Properties of Chickpea Beverages Through Fermentation Carried Out by Probiotic...
Katarzyna Skrzypczak1, Ewa Jabłońska- Ryś1*, Klaudia Gustaw2, Aneta Sławińska1, Adam Waśko2, Wojciech Radzki1, Monika Michalak-Majewska1 and Waldemar Gustaw1
Article: 5349 | Pages: 01-12
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