In vitro Susceptibility of Dermatophytes to Ketoconazole, Fluconazole and Tolnaftate

Sumit Kumar1, Pallavi Kumari3, P. Mallya Shrikara2 and Shenoy Shalini2

Pages: 1345-1350

Abstract  |  PDF

Microbiological Quality of Different Poultry Feeds from a Retail Outlet at Thrissur, Kerala

Divya Rani Thomas1, B. Sunil1, C. Latha1 and Binoj Chacko4

Pages: 1493-1495

Abstract  |  PDF

In vitro Dose Dependent Study on Anti-Dermatophytic Activity of Annona squamosa Linn. Leaf and...

T. Sai Devi1*, I. Jyothi Padmaja1, Y. Nagendra Sastry1 and A. Nagamani2

Pages: 1251-1258

Abstract  |  PDF

Candiduria in Patients Attending a Medical College Teaching Hospital, Davangere

K.G. RaghuKumar1*, V.L. Jayasimha1, K.V. Yogeesha Babu1, H.P. Niranjan1, K.G. Basavarajappa1 and V. Vijayanath2

Pages: 1409-1413

Abstract  |  PDF