Mucormycosis: A Brief Review

Review Article | Open Access Ramalingam Suganya1 , Narasimhan Malathi2, Vinithra Karthikeyan3 and Vyshnavi Devi Janagaraj4 1Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Department of Oral Pathology...

Molecular Characterization of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Renal Hemodialysis (HD) Patients from Saudi Arabia

Research Article | Open Access Mohammed S. Al-Mogbel1, Fauwaz Al-Rashid2,3, Mamdoh Meqdam1, Hisham Al-Ajlan4 and Mushtaq A. Khan1 1Molecular Diagnostic and Personalized Therapeutics Unit, College...

Correlation Between Strain Distribution and Antibiotic Resistance Genes Pattern of Streptococcus agalactiae Group B...

Research Article | Open Access Ebaa M. Felemban1, Daifellah A. M. Al Juaid1, Walaa F. Alsanie2, Mohamed M. Hassan3,4 and Ahmed Gaber3,5* 1Department of Nursing,...

Anti Angiogenic Activity of Carica papaya Leaf Extract

Research Article | Open Access Nidhi Tayal, Priyansh Srivastava and Nidhi Srivastava Centre for Medical Biotechnology, Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University, Sector-125, Noida...

Emerging Antibiotic Resistance in Mycoplasma Microorganisms, Designing Effective and Novel Drugs / Therapeutic Targets: Current...

Review Article | Open Access Mohd. Iqbal Yatoo1 , Oveas Raffiq Parray1, Riyaz Ahmed Bhat1, Muheet1, Arumugam Gopalakrishnan2, Archana Saxena3, Sandip Chakraborty4, Ruchi Tiwari5, Sandip...

Implementation of Infection Control Practices to Manage Hospital Acquired Infections

Research Article | Open Access T. Jayasree and Mustafa Afzal Department of Microbiology, CARE Hospitals, Exhibition Grounds Road, Nampally, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500 001,...

Infection Control Programme to Reduce the Number of Nosocomial Organism Causing Infection

Research Article | Open Access T. Jayasree and Mustafa Afzal Department of Microbiology, CARE Hospitals, Exhibition Grounds Road, Nampally, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500 001,...

Determination of Symbiotic Effectiveness of Rhizobium Strains Isolated from Food Legumes (Bean) Collected from...

Research Article | Open Access Halima Berrada1, Jamal Ibijbijen2 and Kawtar Fikri-Benbrahim1* 1Laboratory of Microbial Biotechnology, Sciences and Technology Faculty, Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah...

The Influence of Antivaccination Movements on the Re-emergence of Measles

Review Article | Open Access Calderón Rodríguez Nelly Patricia1, Jerez Pacheco  Yary Zulay1, Ruvalcaba Ledezma Jesús Carlos2, Chavarría Miranda Alejandra3, Jiménez Sánchez Reyna Cristina4 and...

Antioxidant and Anti-infective Potential of Ethanolic Extract of Eriobotrya bengalensis (Roxb.) Hook. f.: Phytochemicals...

Research Article | Open Access Nagaraju Jalli1, Santhi Sri K.V.1* , Sairengpuii Hnamte2, Subhaswaraj Pattnaik2, Parasuraman Paramanantham2 and Busi Siddhardha2 1Department of Foods and Nutritional Sciences,...