Removal of Synthetic Textile Dyes using Aspergillus Species Isolated from Soil

A. Saranya, G. Roseline Jebapriya and J. Joel Gnanadoss*

Pages: 515- 522

Abstract  |  PDF

Study on Three Denitrifying Phosphorus Removal Strains from a Low Carbon-Source Treatment System

Zhan Jin, Fangying Ji*, Xuan Xu, Qian Guo and Qi Li

Pages: 373-378

Abstract  |  PDF

Detection of Toxoplasma gondii Antibodies in various Poultry Meat Samples using Enzyme Linked Immuno...

Ebrahim Rahimi1*, Salar Yazdanpour2 and Farhad Safarpoor Dehkordi3

Pages: 421-427

Abstract  |  PDF

Detection of Helicobacter pylori and Human Papilloma Virus in Laryngeal Papillomatosis of Patients in...

Kh. Moridi1, R. Hosseini Doust2, Z. Goudarzi1, H. Lashini1, D. Esmaeili2 and E. Saberfar1*

Pages: 793-796

Abstract  |  PDF

Comparative Study on 7 and 14 Days Stored Pot Stained Sputum Smears with Conventional...

A. Julius1, Rajalakshmi Allen2, Pramila2 and Bhuminathan Swamikannu3

Pages: 771-777

Abstract  |  PDF

Detection of Interaction Between DsbM and OhrR by Yeast Two-hybrid System in Pseudomona aeruginosa

Mingxuan Li, Xinyu Guan, Xuehan Wang, Haijin Xu and Mingqiang Qiao*

Pages: 601-605

Abstract  |  PDF

Antimicrobial and Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Cordia obliqua W. (Boraginaceae) Fruit Extracts

Sung Kwon Park1, Chang Weon Choi2, Yoo Kyung Lee1, Park Jae Hyun3 and Selvaraj Arokiyaraj1*

Pages: 117-120

Abstract  |  PDF