Isolation and Characterization of Vegetable Oil Degrading Bacteria

P. Prajakta Kamble*, A. Avinash Raut and M.B. Gandhi

Pages: 887-890

Abstract  |  PDF

Antimicrobial Activity of Ganoderma lucidum Mycelia

R. Kamble, S. Venkata and A.M. Gupte*

Pages: 983-986

Abstract  |  PDF

Comparative Analysis of Papaya Wine from other Fruit Wine

C. Maragatham1 and A. Panneerselvam2*

Pages: 967-969

Abstract  |  PDF

A Clinical and Microbiological Study of Urinary Tract Infection in Patients Following Instrumentation

H. Ravichandraprakash1, R. Ravikumar2, S. Krishna3, J. Mariraj4, V. Vijayanath5, Shadakshari Gadigi6 and Venkatesh M. Patil7

Pages: 669-682

Abstract  |  PDF

Use of Microbial Consortium for Biodegradation of Coir Pith

R.P. Maruthamalai Rasi and Thilagavathy Daniel

Pages: 879-881

Abstract  |  PDF

Identification of Listeria monocytogenes Isolates Based on Amplification of hyl-A gene

Shakoor Ahmad Bhat* and Malik Mehboob Willayat

Pages: 959-962

Abstract  |  PDF