Prevalence and Antibiotic Susceptibility among Gram Negative Bacteria Isolated from Intensive Care Units...
Nahla Shazli Abdel Azim1*, Maha Abdullah Al-Harbi1, Mayasar Ibrahim Al-Zaban1, Marwa Youssef Nofal2 and Ali Mohammed Somily3
Article: 5479 | Pages: 201-208
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β-carotene Production of UV-C Induced Dunaliella salina Under Salt Stress
Tassnapa Wongsnansilp1,2, Kittisak Yokthongwattana3*, Sittiruk Roytrakul4 and Niran Juntawong5
Article: 5408 | Pages: 193-200
Abstract | Full Text | PDF |  XML
A Review on Macrophage Activation Syndrome
Preeti Sharma1*, Shailza Shreshtha1, Pradeep Kumar1, Rachna Sharma2 and T.K. Mahapatra1
Article: 5505 | Pages: 183-191
Abstract | Full Text | PDF |  XML
Cartridge Based Nucleic Acid Amplification Test: The Sherlock of Tuberculosis
Jureka Mankotia1, Sunil Sethi2 and Mohammad Azhar Khan1*
Article: 5260 | Pages: 179-182
Abstract | Full Text | PDF |  XML
Prospective Influence of Phytotherapy on Resistant Bacterial Tonsillitis
Amad A. El Marghani1*, Khaled A. Algariri2 and P.M. Ridzuan3
Article: 5358 | Pages: 167-178
Abstract | Full Text |  PDF | XML
Mucormycosis: A Brief Review
Suganya Ramalingam*1, Malathi Narasimhan2, Vinithra Karthikeyan3 and Vyshnavi Devi Janarthanan4
Article: 5470 | Pages: 161-165
Abstract | Full Text | PDF |  XML
Hepatitis E: Current Status in India and Other Asian Countries
Harsh Kumar1, Nassim Kamar2 and Dinesh Kumar1*
Article: 5457 | Pages: 141-159
Abstract | Full Text | PDF | XML
Cytokine Release Syndrome: An Overview on its Features and Management
Shailza Shreshtha1, Pradeep Kumar1, Preeti Sharma1* and Rachna Sharma2
Article: 5506 | Pages: 133-140
Abstract | Full Text | PDF | XML
The Influence of Antivaccination Movements on the Re-emergence of Measles
Calderón Rodríguez Nelly Patricia1, Jerez Pacheco Yary Zulay1, Ruvalcaba Ledezma Jesús Carlos2, Chavarría Miranda Alejandra3, Jiménez Sánchez Reyna Cristina4 and Reynoso Vázquez Josefina5*
Article: 5302 | Pages: 127-132
Abstract | Full Text | PDF | XML
Increasing Nutritional Contents of Cassava Starch Wastes Using Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) P.Kumm. and Lentinus...
Kitti Wirunpan1*, Sakesan Chinwang2, Nareerat Chaikong1 and Charida Pukahuta1
Article: 5363 | Pages: 117-125
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