Performance, Uptake and Use Efficiency of Nutrients in Maize (Zea mays L.) and Mashbean...

Ashish Dwivedi1*, Adesh Singh1, S. S. Tomar1, Sudhir Kumar2, Istya Dev1, Roop Kishore3 Prashant Singh1 and Vineet Kumar1

Pages: 1233-1242

Abstract  |  PDF

Differential Toll-Like Receptor and Cytokine Gene Expression Profiles in Natural Caprine Brucellosis

Vikas K. Singh1*, Vivek K.Gupta2, N. Shivasharanappa2, Ajay Singh2, Sushant Bhat1, Rakesh Kumar3 and K. Gururaj2

Pages: 1015-1023

Abstract  |  PDF

Isolation and Characterization of Anti Pathogenic Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria from Cotton Rhizosphere

H.M. Sherathiya, V.J. Jadeja, B.J. Malviya and G.J. Mehta

Pages: 1641-1649

Abstract  |  PDF

Evaluation of Kinetic Pathway for the Biodegradation of Congo red using Asperigillus species...

Sathish Sundararaman*, D. Joshua Amarnath, S. Sivasubramanian

Pages: 1511-1522

Abstract  |  PDF

Study on Histopathological Changes Induced by Fowl Pox Virus (FPV) in Chorioallantoic Membrane (CAM)...

R.K. Verma1, R.K. Joshi2, N. Joshi3 A. K. Gangwar4 and S. Shukla5

Pages: 1349-1354

Abstract  |  PDF

Studies on Development of Cost Effective Entomopathogenic Fungal Biopesticides for Sustainable Agriculture

S. Shubha1, Shivaleela2, A. Anantha Rama3 and Suma C. Kammar1

Pages: 1579-1582

Abstract  |  PDF