Campylobacter jejuni ATCC 700819: An in silico Approach to Identify and Categorize Probable Drug...

Mohammad Mahfuz Ali Khan Shawan1*, Hafij Al Mahmud2, Partha Sarathi Gope2, Nahiyan Mohammad Salauddin1, Md. Habibur Rahman1, Mir Alvee Ahmed3, Tanvir Noor Nafiz2, Khan Mohammad Imran2, Md. Nazibur Rahman1 and S.M. Badier Rahman1

Pages: 229-241

Abstract  |  PDF

Improvement of the Performance of Microbial Fuel Cell with Modification of Electrode using Copper...

Morteza Khani1, Zinat Mohammadi2, Mojtaba Khani3, Maryam Behzadi4, Sahar Majdi5, Yazdan Moradpour6 and Ghasem Rahimi7*

Pages: 355-361

Abstract  |  PDF

In vitro Evaluation of Bio-agents and Fungicides Against Leaf Blast (Pyricularia setariae) in Foxtail...

Somashekhar Konda1*, A. Nagaraja2, Gowdra Nagamma1, P.S. Sangeetha1, Suresh Patil2, Devanshu Dev1 and Syeda Samina Anjum1

Pages: 489-495

Abstract  |  PDF

Mycobiont Mediated In vitro Seed Germination of an Endangered ‘Fox-tail’ Orchid, Rhynchostylis retusa (L.)...

Sayeeda K. Bhatti1, Jagdeep Verma2*, Jaspreet K. Sembi3 and Ajay Kumar4

Pages: 663-670

Abstract  |  PDF

Expression, Purification, Biochemical Characterization and Structural Modeling of an endo-b-1,4-glucanase from Stachybotrys chartarum...

Shuang-Hong You1, Yong-Mei He3, Bo Zhu2, Bo Wang2, Da-Wei Li3, Ri-He Peng2* and Quan-Hong Yao2*

Pages: 01-10

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Evaluation of Microorganisms of Drinking Water of Rafha City, Northern Borders, Saudi Arabia

A.A. Abdel Haleem1,2*, S.K. Hemida1,3 and M.M. Abdellatif1,4

Pages: 61-71

Abstract  |  PDF

Morphological and Molecular Identification of Aspergillus flavus Isolated from Rice (Oryza sativa L.) ...

T. Dhivya Priya, C. Mahendra, Shamprasad Phadnis* and Anitha Peter

Pages: 535-545

Abstract  |  PDF

Occurrence of Important Mucormycosis Agents in the Soil of Populous Areas of Isfahan and...

Ardeshir Ziaee1, Mohammadali Zia2*, Mansour Bayat1 and Jamal Hashemi3

Pages: 81-88

Abstract  |  PDF

Endophytic Fungi Occurring in Moringa ovalifolia in the Tsumeb Area of Namibia

D.H. Haiyambo, B. Chisenga, P.M. Chimwamurombe*, I. Mapaure and P.B. Nuuyoma

Pages: 89-93

Abstract  |  PDF