Application of a Single and Combination of Plant-growth Promoting Bacteria and Actinomycete to Increase...
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Structure – Activity Relationship of Mutant KatG from INH resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis
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Using Biomass of Basidiomyceteous Fungi in Decolorization of Wastewater of Textile Industry
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Efficacy of New Fungicides against Late Blight of Potato in Subtropical Plains of India
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Mehi Lal1 , Saurabh Yadav2 and B.P. Singh2
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Effectiveness Measurement of Bio-agents and Botanicals against Pyricularia oryzae
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Vipul Kumar , Adesh Kumar, Vinit Paratap Singh and Ajay Tomar
Lovely professional University Phagwara Punjab, India.
J Pure Appl Microbiol. 2017;11(1):585-592 | © The...
Biodiversity and Molecular Characterization of Trichoderma spp. and Exploring its Synergistic Action for the...
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S. Vasumathi, K. Eraivan Arutkani Aiyanathan and S. Nakkeeran
Department of Plant Pathology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore - 641 003, India.
J Pure...
In vitro Evaluation of Antibiotics, Chemicals and Bioagents against Xanthomons axonopodis. pv. glycines
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Study the Mass Transfer Kinetics of Aloe vera Gel Cubes
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Capsular Genotypes Distribution and Antibiotic Resistance pattern of Group B Streptococcus (GBS) Isolated from...
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