Aerobic granular sludge was inoculated in SBR reactor and used to treat simulated wastewater after acclimation. The characteristics of the granular sludge during cultivation and the degradation efficiency of the granular sludge were investigated. The matrix degradation dynamics was studied and the dynamic equation was fitted out. The dynamic parameters of granular sludge were compared with those of conventional activated sludge. The results showed that the MLVSS of mature aerobic granular sludge was about 2500mg/L and the SVI was about 30 mL/g, the removal efficiency of COD reached up to 94.52 per cent. Degradation activity of aerobic granular sludge was higher than that of conventional activated sludge according to the dynamic equation. It will provide an important value for the application of aerobic granular sludge technology in high concentration wastewater and water treatment field nowadays.
Aerobic granular sludge, Substrate degradation, Characteristics, Dynamics
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