Phage acts as a bio-controlling agent to overcome chemical supplement in the treatment food pathogens. Bacterial pathogens mainly cause food borne diseases; these are harmful to human health and also threat to nutritional economy. Due to aggregating in the multidrug resistance among the pathogens, the conventional methods for food safety are drawn in the use of chemicals and causes toxicity. In our present study, the P. aeruginosa isolates were determined from food samples on specific Cetrimide agar and a specific phage was isolated against the strain. The microbial enumeration growth was carried out on meat samples. The preservative activity was performed on banana samples. The present phage has indicated a prominent agent in enumeration of microbial growth against meat and mutton samples. It also showed a quality preservative for storage in banana samples. The potential advantage of using phage is their specificity and ability to multiply; hence, it can be used in food safety and provide a natural alternative to conventional synthetic preservatives used in food industries. The phage has ability in decreasing the growth microbes in food samples and long storage as preservative in fruits.
Bacteriophages, Biocontrol, Preservatives, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Food safety
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