Yogyakarta is one of the big cities in Indonesia. This city is passed by three rivers that flood annually. This flood emerges disease such as leptospirosis. This disease is spread through Leptospira-contaminated water from the infected urine animals. This study was conducted to know the spread pattern and risk factors leptospirosis in Yogyakarta from 2011 to 2013. The data cases were come from the medical record review of hospital in Yogyakarta. An interviewe was held to determine odd ratios (OR), 95% confidence intervals and computed in order to know the association between potential risk factors using bivariate analysis. The spatial spread leptospirosis was analyzed by spatial auto correlation Moran index and Average Nearest Neighbour. The result showed that the patterns of spread leptospirosis cases in Yogyakarta city was clustered. The were six risk factors leptospirosis included puddle (OR = 3.667 , 95 % CI = 1.238 – 10.863 ), sewers watery (OR = 3 , 95 % CI = 1.385 – 6.499 ) , and flood history (OR = 2.688 , 95 % CI = 1.226 – 5.895 ), midden (OR = 4.75, 95%CI 1.266 – 17.819), occupational (OR = 2.625, 95%CI = 1.21 – 5.691) and skin lessions (OR=4.2, 95%CI 1.93 – 91.41).
Flood history, Leptospirosis, Skin lessions, Sewers watery.
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