This study was to research the different mRNA and protein expression of Toll-like receptors 2 (TLR-2) characteristics in saliary gland benign (SGBT), malignant tumor tissue (SGMT)and saliary gland inflammation (SGI) by the methods of PCR, qRT-PCR and immunohistochemisty. the results showed that, compared with normal tissues, the TLR-2 mRNA expression in salivary gland benign tumor , salivary gland cancer and inflammation tissues were amount to 6.628 fold , 0.432 fold and 8.583 fold respectively (p <0.05). Importantly, we also found that TLR-2 in these organizations not only has a say in the cytoplasm, and the nucleus has expressed only in the SGMT, which was instant differently previous research. This study suggests that there is an variation of TLR2 association between salivary gland tumor, inflammation and NSG. This finding supports a potential role in tumor development, and provide a foundation for development of immune modulation and chemotherapy for SGT.
TLR-2, salivary gland tumor, salivary gland inflammation
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