ISSN: 0973-7510

E-ISSN: 2581-690X

Shoupeng Wan1#, Meng Wang1#, Chunling Wang1 and Lihua Hou1
1Key Laboratory of Food Nutrition and Safety, Tianjin University of Science & Technology,
Ministry of Education, Tianjin – 300 457, China.
J Pure Appl Microbiol. 2013;7(Spl. Edn.: April):95-100
© The Author(s). 2013
Received: 03/03/2013 | Accepted: 14/04/2013 | Published: 30/04/2013

Black bean soy sauce with a low-salt solid-state fermentation process was prepared by the black beans as raw material. Heilongjiang with green cotyledon was selected among different raw materials. Here, the best technique was determined. Firstly, the black beans were soaked for 4 hours under 121°, steamed for 15 min and mixed with the fried wheat (5:5, w/w). After inoculated with Aspergillus oryzae (0.4%, w/w) and cultured for 36 hours, the koji was obtained. When the brine (1:1, w/w) was added, soy sauce started to ferment. The content of total nitrogen, amino nitrogen, salt-free solids of the black bean soy sauce was even more than those of soy sauce derived from beans. Especially, the concentration of anthocyanins was 3.7g l-1.


Black soybean, Soy sauce, Fermentation

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