The present investigation was aimed for improving growth and yield of crop using waste products of different activities and also useful in ecological stability of soil environment. Although, this objective is either an economic option for poor farmer or an effective strategy for increasing yield. The experiment was conducted in the organic farming plot of the Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU, Varanasi during Kharif season of mungbean crop in 2014. The field experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design having 10 treatments and replicated thrice. Application of graded level of biochar, carpet waste FYM and PGPR was found to significantly enhance the straw and grain yield of mungbean. Application of BC2, CW1 FYM1 and PGPR was found 60.17% higher over the control treatment. Application of BC2+ CW1 + FYM1 t ha-1 + PGPR resulted in significantly higher straw yield by 54.85% then the straw yield obtained from the control treatment.
Rice Husk Biochar, Carpet waste, FYM, PGPR and Mungbean.
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