ISSN: 0973-7510

E-ISSN: 2581-690X

Umukoro G.E.1 and Bonyesom I.2
1Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology, Delta State University, Abraka. Nigeria.
2Department of Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka. Nigeria.
J Pure Appl Microbiol. 2007;1(1):13-16
© The Author(s). 2007
Received: 07/02/2007 | Accepted: 24/03/2007 | Published: 30/04/2007

The levels of CD3, CD4 and CD8 T-cell subsets were assessed in fifty-eight Burkitt’s lymphoma (BL) patients aged 4-14 years at different clinical stages (I-IV) of the Disease progression, and the obtained data were compared with age – matched twenty-eight control subjects in apparently healthy condition. The results show that the level of the anti-leu 3a(CD4+ T-cell) was significantly low (P<0.05) in all the clinical stages of BL when compared with the level obtained for the control subject. The level of anti-leu 2a(CD8+ T- Cell ) progressively increases as the  tumor condition deteriorates, and the levels for all the four clinical stages of BL were  significantly higher (P<0.05) when compared with the level obtained from control subjects.  Data shows that BL patients have abnormal immune responses which may likely become more complicated as the disease advances.


T-cell, Burkitt’s lymphoma Immune response CD4+ CD8+

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