Composting process depends on the quality of organic materials, site of compost, composting methods, temperature, aeration systems, water content, C/N ratio and microorganisms. Community diversity of microorganisms can be revealed by grouping the microorganisms represented by DGGE bands. DGGE profiles of the bacterial from culture-independent during the composting process showed variation patterns from early mesophilic to maturation phases. On the top side of gel the DGGE bands showed less variation for all composting phases, except at maturation phase the number of the band were decrease significantly. Nevertheless on the middle side of gel, variation of the bands showed significantly differences. In this position, during peak of thermophilic phase, all bands were disappeared but reappeared at the end of the thermophilic and maturation phases. Detail analysis by comparing the sequence of 16S rRNA gene fragments to the GenBank showed that all of bands were closed to either Gammaproteobacteria, Clostridia or Bacilli. In the early of mesophilic and thermophilic phases most of bands appeared are closed to Gammaproteobacteria, however at the peak of thermophilic phase most bands are closed to Bacilli. Whereas Clostridia are found at mesophilic, end of the thermophilic and maturation phases.
Manure, Compost, Culture-Independent, DGGE
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