ISSN: 0973-7510

E-ISSN: 2581-690X

H.P. Niranjan1 , V.L. Jayasimha2, M.R. Anitha3, V. Vijayanath4 and K.G. Basavarajappa5
1Department of Microbiology, S.S. Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Davangere – 577 005, India.
2Department of Anatomy, S.S. Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Davangere – 577 005, India.
3Department of Forensic Medicine, S.S. Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Davangere – 577 005, India.
J Pure Appl Microbiol. 2011;5(2):831-835
© The Author(s). 2011
Received: 21/11/2010 | Accepted: 12/01/2011| Published: 31/10/2011

The present study is to know the frequency,causative bacteria and their sensitivity pattern in S.S.Hospital, Davangere. A prospective study was conducted between April to September 2010 in the department of microbiology, SSIMS and RC, Davangere. Endotracheal aspirate samples were collected from a total of 369 patients under mechanical ventilation for >48hrs who were suspected of having ventilator associated pneumonia(VAP) and were processed and identified by standard laboratory techniques.quantitative culture threshold of  >105cfu/ml was considered to diagnose ventilator associated pneumonia in our study. Out of the 369 patients studied, quantitative culture was positive in 166(44.99%), 143 cases(38.75%) showed no growth and in 60 cases(16.26%) growth was <105 both of which were included under No Ventilator associated pneumonia( NO-VAP) group. Out of 166 culture isolates, Pseudomonas species 56(33.73%) was the most common,followed by Klebsiella. pneumoniae 28 (16.87%), Acinetobacter species20 (12.05%),Escherichia. Coli 16(9.64%), Meticillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus 9(5.42%) and Citrobacter.freundii 7(4.21%). Organisms showed sensitivity to imepenam, ceftazidime, cefoperazone-sulbactam and amikacin. Most common age group affected was 21-30 years (28.46%) and in males with male to female ratio being 1.95:1.Most common indication for admission was poisoning(42%) followed by preterm with low birth weight (18%).


Ventilator associated pneumonia, Quantitative culture, Preterm

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