Candida species are the fourth most common cause of blood stream infection and in recent years a distinct increase has been noted in non-albicans Candida (NAC) cases with decreased susceptibility to antifungal treatment. Therefore species identification and antifungal susceptibility testing helps in successful treatment of candidiasis. To speciate the isolates obtained from clinical samples and to carry out antifungal susceptibility by disc diffusion method and also to detect the common Candida species causing blood stream infection in our hospital. A total of 120 samples were collected from clinically suspected cases of candidiasis visiting a tertiary care hospital in southern India over a period of 1 year (May 2013 to June 2014) and were subjected to culture on Sabouraud’s Dextrose Agar (SDA) with Chlorampheniol, CHROM agar, Germ tube test, Corn meal agar inoculation and their antifungal susceptibility test for fluconazole and amphotericin B. A total of 85 isolates were obtained from 120 samples (P<.01). C.albicans was the most common isolates from all the clinical samples including blood, although statistically NOT significant. Sensitivity rate for Amphotericin B was 91.76% and for Fluconazole was 71.76%. Prolonged medication appeared to be the commonest predisposing factor for Candida infection followed by Diabetes mellitus, the difference was significant (P<.05).
Candida albicans, Non-albicans candida, CHROM agar, Speciation, Antifungl susceptibility
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