ISSN: 0973-7510

E-ISSN: 2581-690X

Mehmet Nuri Aydogan and Omer Faruk Algur
1Department of Biology, Science Faculty, Ataturk University, Erzurum, Turkey.
J Pure Appl Microbiol. 2014;8(1):413-420
© The Author(s). 2014
Received: 17/06/2013 | Accepted: 11/08/2013 | Published: 28/02/2014

Total 670 bacteria isolated from various samples (soil, water and plant roots) were screened in terms of their capacities to solubilize Ca3(PO4)2 (tricalcium phosphate) or Mazidagi rock phosphate. At the end of two-step screening experiments, one isolate (MFB 25) having the best capacity to solubilize Mazidagi rock phosphate was selected and then used for the subsequent experiments. This isolate was identified as Aeromonas hydrophyla according to cellular fatty acid analysis (MIS) as well as some morphological and biochemical characteristics. The best carbon and nitrogen sources which A. hydrophyla MFB-25 needed to solubilize the rock phosphate in liquid medium were determined to be glucose and potassium nitrate, respectively. The other optimal parameters for rock phosphate solubilization were found as mazidagi rock concentration of 3 g/L, temperature of 25 °C and incubation time of 5 d.  This is the first study on the potential of A.hydrophyla bacterium to solubilize mazidagi rock phosphate.


Aeromonas hydrophyla, Mazidagi rock phosphate, Phosphate solubilization

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