The increasing demand for highly active and specific cellulases, especially for bioethanol production, necessitates the selection of potential cellulolytic microbial strains. Present study focused primarily on isolation, screening and selection of efficient cellulose producers based on halozone formation around colonies on agar based screening medium. A total of 105 indigenous cellulolytic bacteria were sought from their natural habitats. Three medium, viz. carboxymethylcellulose-congo red agar, basal agar and CMC agar medium were used and were compared for screening of cellulolytic bacteria using CMC as sole carbon source. Ratio of diameters of colony and halo zone of cellulose hydrolysis around the colony was taken as relative index of cellulase enzyme activity (ICMC). Substantially higher numbers of bacterial isolates produced halo zone around the colony on CMC-congo red agar medium. CMC-congo red agar medium was found superior to other two media for screening of cellulolytic bacteria because of ease of handling, rapid screening and simultaneous screening and selection of cellulolytic bacteria.
Cellulolytic bacteria, Cellulase, Qualitative screening, Halo zone
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