Citrinin is a nephrotoxic mycotoxin produced by several fungal strains belonging to the genera Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Monascus. The aim of this study was to determine the protective effect of Se in citrinin-induced nephrotoxicity in male rats. Fifty white male Wistar Lewis rats were divided randomly into 5 groups. Group G1 was daily gavaged with distilled water. Group G2 daily gavaged with a citrinin (10mg/Kg) for 2 weeks. Group G3 daily gavaged with a soup dried black lemon extract 2ml/kg (3.4mg/Kg) B.W for 2 weeks. Group G4 was gavaged 2ml/kg (3.4mg/Kg) B.W of soup dried black lemon extract and fed diets containing (0.04 mg/Kg) selenium for 2 weeks. Group G5 was fed diets containing (0.04 mg/Kg) selenium for 2 weeks. Serum from all groups were collected to measure several biochemical indicators to assess kidney function, such as urea (BUN) and creatinine (SCr). The results of this study revealed that G2 and G3 induced renal dysfunction as reflected by a significant elevation in serum levels of urea, creatinine , total antioxidant status and tumor markers (AFP,CEA and PKM2). Histological changes of G2 group revealed damaged cell. Whereas the histological changes of G3 group revealed the kidney tubules markedly affected .Treating male Wistar Lewis rats, with selenium antagonized the effects induced by Citrinin, and increase in total antioxidant status and decrease in tumor markers (AFP,CEA and PKM2). In addition to the positive impact on the shape of the cell. This study revealed the use of selenium has the ability of protecting kidney dysfunction induced by citrinin.
Citrinin, P. citrinum, Selenium, creatinin, urea, nephrotoxicity, rats
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