ISSN: 0973-7510

E-ISSN: 2581-690X

Sonali Priyadarshini and Pratima Ray
1Department of Microbiology, C.B.S.H., Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Unit 7, Surya Nagar, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha – 751003, India.
J Pure Appl Microbiol. 2015;9(3):2441-2450
© The Author(s). 2015
Received: 25/04/2015 | Accepted: 03/07/2015 | Published: 30/09/2015

The alkalitolerant bacteria of red mud samples of Damanjodi, Koraput and sediment samples of Puri, Odisha were studied. A total of ten samples were collected and screened for the isolation of alkalitolerant bacteria at pH 10.3 by enrichment method followed by serial dilution technique. Maximum incidences of alkalitolerant bacteria were found to be present in red mud samples having bacterial load 4.4 × 107 CFU/gm. About 20 bacterial isolates were further studied and identified by their cultural-, physiological- and biochemical- characterization. The isolated alkalitolerant bacteria belonged to the genera of Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Micrococcus, Cellobiosococcus, Xanthomonas, Staphylococcus and Virgibacillus, which were tested for the production of alkaline extracellular enzymes like proteases, amylases, pectinases and lipases. Alkaline amylase activities at pH 8.0 were detected as the maximum than other enzymes. From quantitative assay, it was found that isolate RM2 showed maximum, i.e. 14.5366 IU/ml amylase production at 72 hr of incubation using starch as substrates by submerged fermentation. The potential of these alkalitolerant bacteria as a resource of enzymes have found their way into biotechnological and industrial applications.


Alkaline amylase, Alkalitolerant, Red mud, Sediments

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