ISSN: 0973-7510

E-ISSN: 2581-690X

Tanedjeu Sonfack Kemgang1,2 , Huguette Gaelle Ngassa Mbenda3, Suman Kapila1 and Rajeev Kapila1
1National Dairy Research Institute, Animal Biochemistry Division, 132001 Karnal, Haryana, India.
2University of Ngaoundere, National School of AgroIndustrial Sciences, Department of Food Science and Nutrition, PO Box 455, Ngaoundere, Adamaoua, Cameroon.
3National Institute of Malaria Research, Evolutionary Genomics and Bioinformatics,
110077 New Delhi, Delhi, India.
J Pure Appl Microbiol. 2015;9(3):2251-2254
© The Author(s). 2015
Received: 10/05/2015 | Accepted: 03/07/2015 | Published: 30/09/2015

In view to show a simple DNA purification step from agarose gel, we applied the DNA bandstab technique to the 16S-23S Intergenic Spacer Region (ISR) (a polymorphic region resulting in multiple bands after gel-electrophoresis) of selected Lactobacillus spp. The short ISR was successfully extracted by bandstab after numerous unsuccessful attempts of DNA cutting-elution techniques. The purification of band was further confirmed by the distinctive peaks observed in the DNA chromatograms generated after the sequencing procedure.


Bandstab-PCR, Lactobacillus, 16S-23S intergenic spacer region, Sequencing

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