ISSN: 0973-7510

E-ISSN: 2581-690X

B. Sunil1, C. Latha2, R. Remya3, K. Vrinda Menon4 and V.J. Ajaykumar5
Department of Veterinary Public Health, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,
Mannuthy, Thrissur – 680 651, India.
J Pure Appl Microbiol. 2012;6(3):1485-1487
© The Author(s). 2012
Received: 11/12/2011 | Accepted: 03/01/2012 | Published: 30/09/2012

A total of 120 vegetable samples were collected from retail markets in Thrissur districts for over a period of two months. These samples were examined for the presence of Listeria spp. to provide information on the occurrence of organisms in such vegetables.  Following a two step enrichment procedure and plating on selective agar, confirmation of the isolates was based on the biochemical tests. Listeria spp. could be detected in 8.3 % samples. Of the 10 isolates obtained 8 were L.innocua and the rest were L.welshimeri. These organisms were also isolated from human infections earlier. It was also reported that L.innocua and L.monocytogenes share the same ecological niche and on selective enrichment, L.innocua inhibit the growth of L.monocytogenes producing false negative results. So screening of more samples is necessary because vegetables are considered as part of healthy diet worldwide.


Listeria spp., Vegetables, UVM, PALCAM, GLISA

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