Bacillus megaterium 79/A, a starch and lactose utilizing strain, produced 0.90 g/l PHB with corn flour as sole carbon substrate; this was followed by other flours like, soya bean, wheat etc. Bacillus megaterium 79/A produced 0.62 g/l PHB with treated whey of 46.2% concentration and 0.55 g/l PHB with the same concentration of untreated whey. When 5mM microcosmic salt was used as an additional supplement, the organism produced 0.95 g/l PHB and 0.80 g/l PHB with 46.2% treated whey and 46.2% untreated whey, respectively.
Bacillus megaterium, Lactose, PHB, Starch, Whey
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