Studies on the potential of durian seed as a substrate for monascus pigments production and the effect of carbon source supplementation on the monascus pigments production have been done. After pretreatment, durian seed was supplemented with carbon source (sorbitol, fructose, glucose and maltose) at 5% w/w, inoculated with Monascus sp. KJR2 culture, and then incubated for 14 days at room temperature (30oC). The fermented matter was dried and analyzed for the yellow, orange and red pigments. The results showed that durian seed has a good potential as a substrate for monascus pigment production. Supplementation of maltose, glucose and fructose are effective to increase monascus pigments production. Maltose is the most effective for carbon source supplementation, with water soluble yellow, orange and red pigments yield of 16.80 A/g, 11.49 A/g and 10.71 A/g, respectively as well as ethanol soluble pigments of 22.36 A/g, 6.93 A/g and 8.53 A/g.
Durian seed, Supplementation, Carbon source, Monascus pigments
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