Seedborne fungi in soybean causes seed deterioration by altering the quality of the seed content especially the protein and oil content. The oil content and dry weight of the seeds of soybean were found to be greatly affected. The deterioration of soybean seeds rich in oil was correlated with extracellular production of lipolytic enzymes by seed borne fungi.Three dominant fungi viz. Aspergillus niger, Rhizopus stolonifer and Fusarium moniliforme were studied for lipolytic enzyme synthesis. These fungi synthesized lipolytic enzymes in Czapek medium supplemented with soybean seed meal medium and Czapek medium supplemented with soybean oil separately. The fungi synthesized more enzymes in Czapek medium supplemented with soybean oil than in soybean seed meal medium. The enzyme production was affected by the pH and temperature. The optimum pH was found to be in the range of 5.5 and 40°C was optimum temperature.
Soybean, Seed borne fungi, Lipolytic enzymes
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