The studied was conducted in Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research forest area of Chittagong, Bangladesh to evaluate the prevalence of AMF colonization in plant root and response with rhizosphere soil properties. Root samples with rhizosphere soil of fifteenth medicinal plants were collected. Root colonization and soil characterization were performed by following method and percentage of root colonization was recorded. The highest AMF colonization was found in Chukrasia valutinaA.Juss(100±7.12%) under the family of Meliaceae followed by T. chebula (91.67±7.32%)and least percentage of AMF was observed in Ocimum basilicum L. var.purpurescence(20.83±8.91%) under the family of Lamiaceae. But the AMF root colonization was varied differently with different rhizospheric soil parameters. AMF colonization was differed positively with K, Ca and moisture content and varied negatively with Na, P and soil salinity but differed randomly with pH, SOM of rhizosphere soil of medicinal plant at BCSIR of Bangladesh.
Rhizosphere Soil, Mycorrhiza, Medicinal Plants, Root Colonization, Soil parameters
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