A two year study (2008 to 2010) on the prevalence of fowl typhoid (FT) was conducted in different outbreaks of commercial poultry farms in Srinagar district and its adjoining areas. A prevalence rate of 8.8% (44 cases) was recorded for FT out of 500 cases. The highest number of outbreaks (21) of FT was recorded during the winter season (December – Feb) followed by (10) spring (Mar to May), 8 Autumn (Sep to Nov) and 5 Summer (June to Aug). 21 cases (47.72%) of FT were recorded in birds of age group less than 5 weeks. Outbreaks of FT were closely associated with age, type and season (P < 0.05). FT was more likely to occur in young broiler birds of 1-5week and > 15wks age group layers. It was concluded from the study that FT is common problem in the broiler chickens and layers however broiler chickens are more susceptible to the disease in Kashmir valley. This study recommends that poultry farmers should be encouraged to practice prompt and regular monitoring of broilers against fowl typhoid disease.
Fowl typhoid, Poultry farms, Kashmir
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