ISSN: 0973-7510

E-ISSN: 2581-690X

Anil Taku, Gulzar Ahmad Badroo, Sabahat Gazal, Irfan Ahmad Mir , Mohd Altaf Bhat, Rajinder Kumar Bhardwaj, Rajni Kanta Sharma, Amitoz Kour, Hamid Shah and Faizan Javaid
Division of Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology, FVSc and AH, SKUAST-J, R.S. Pura. 181102, India.
J. Pure Appl. Microbiol., 2016, 10 (2): 1585-1589
© The Author(s). 2016
Received: 09/09/2015 | Accepted: 14/11/2015 | Published: 30/06/2016

A total of 109 lactating does were screened for mastitis, both clinical and sub-clinical. The goats with swelling, pain, increased temperature or abnormal milk secretion were considered to have clinical mastitis while California mastitis test was used for detection of sub-clinical mastitis. Milk samples from does detected to be positive for mastitis were collected aseptically for bacterial isolation. The bacteria were identified based on standard microbiological techniques; however, confirmation of the bacterial species was done by PCR using universal primers specific for 16S rDNA followed by sequencing. Out of 109 lactating does screened, 45 (41.28%) were found positive for mastitis. Among these only seven (6.42%) exhibited clinical manifestations of mastitis while 38 does (34.86%) had subclinical mastitis. Staphylococci and Proteus mirabilis were found to be the predominant bacteria associated with mastitis. Bacillus spp. (including Bacillus cereus), E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Citrobacter freundii and Streptococcus were also isolated from mastitic milk. Since, enteric pathogens were isolated from 40% of mastitic milk samples, it can be concluded that poor hygienic conditions could be a major factor responsible for mastitis in lactating goats.


Prevalence, Clinical Mastitis, Sub-clinical mastitis, Bacteria, Does, PCR.

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