Greenhouse and field experiments were conducted to determine the possible correlation between the effects of herbicides on maize in a greenhouse and in the field. Simple linear correlation coefficients were calculated for relationships between pairs of growth parameters from the greenhouse and the field. Results showed good relationships between greenhouse and field results. There were generally positive correlations between major growth parameters in the greenhouse and grain yield in the field. Thus indicating that these parameters could be used to predict herbicide effects in the field. This relationship was positive and significant for at least two of the three herbicides in each experiment. Positive correlation occurred for metazachlor and dimethenamid, acetochlor and atrazine/metolachlor/terbuthylazine mixture. Results suggest that greenhouse screening could be used to reliably screen maize genotypes tolerance to herbicides. This would allow for quick crop screening and could also save valuable time and money in maize screening programs for tolerance to herbicides.
Maize genotypes, herbicide, screening
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