In the present study random sampling of agricultural soil was carried out. Total 94 fungal species were isolated and identified. All the fungal strains were screened for their phosphate solubilizing activity. 81 species showed distinct activity. 10 isolates with maximum activity were selected for further studies. These 10 isolates were identified as, Aspergillius sp. 1 & 2, Cephalotrichum microsporum, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Cladosporium oxysporum, Curvularia, penniseti, Gliocladium catanulatum, one unidentified species of Gliocladium, Penicillium crysogenum and Penicillium oxalicum.. The fungi could express a better P solubilizing activity in liquid medium rather than on solid medium.
Fungal sp., Agricultural soil, Phosphate
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