ISSN: 0973-7510

E-ISSN: 2581-690X

Zhang De-Yong1 , Xu Xiao-Lu1, Shen Xiu-Ying2, Lu Yin1, Xu Hui-Ying1 and Hao Fei-Lin1
1College of Biology and Environmental Engineering, Zhejiang Shuren University, Hangzhou, China.
2College of Biology and Chemical Engineering, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Hangzhou, China.
J Pure Appl Microbiol. 2013;7(Spl. Edn.: November):727-733
© The Author(s). 2013
Received: 27/09/2013 | Accepted: 04/11/2013 | Published: 30/11/2013

Nucleocapsid protein(N) of avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus(IBV) plays an important role in maintaining viral structure and replication. The N protein produced in vitro can be applied in the fields of diagnosis, vaccination and scientific research. Expression of IBV N protein in a prokaryotic expression system has been established before, but the medium used is complex and expensive. To optimize the fermentation conditions with simpler medium, the Plackett-Burman experiment was designed for factor screening, and then response surface methodology was applied to optimize the fermentation conditions. The medium was optimized as 0.86 % polypeptone, 1.14 % yeast extract, 1.63 % NaCl, 0.02 % L-arabinose and pH 7.0. Five batches of fermentation according to the above conditions resulted in a mean value of 44.25% for the relative N protein quantity, with a 0.14 % deviation from theoretically deduced value. The fermentation conditions optimized in this study is appropriate for N protein production, which stablely expresses IBV N protein and gives a high yield.


IBV, N gene, Expression in vitro, Plackett-Burman experiment, Response surface methodology

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