Two anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria Rb.capsulatus and Rps.acidophila were isolated from tannery effluents and their ability to produce Indole acetic acid (IAA) under different nutrient conditions was studied. Illumination conditions favoured the production of IAA than dark conditions. Rps.acidophila was a good producer of Indole acetic acid. Maximum amount of IAA on the 8th day of incubation period in Rps.acidophila. Neutral pH produced maximum IAA in Rb.capsulatus while pH of around 6.0 was favourable for IAA production by Rps.acidophila. Glutamic acid was the best nitrogen source for the production of IAA by both the bacteria under investigation. EDTA and SDS induced more release of the phytohormone in both the bacteria under investigation. Significance of above observations in the light of existing literature is discussed.
Purple non sulphur bacteria, IAA, Rb.capsulatus, Rps. acidophila
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