Distribution and occurrence of fluorescent pseudomonads (FLPs) in the rhizosphere soil of maize grown in different agro-edaphic conditions were evaluated. Out of 250, 20 FLP isolates were found to be promising strains. These strains were further screened for plant growth promoting traits like production of IAA, GA, HCN, siderophores, phosphate solubilization. Based on these characteristics three isolates viz, MPF-1, MPF-7 and MPF-30 were selected for further evaluation. These strains have also shown resistance towards heavy metals, high salt concentration and pH and have also exhibited significant antifungal activity and enhanced the seed germination and efficient root colonization. Further, artificial inoculations have also clearly shown to enhance the growth in terms of height, dry weight of shoot and root. Hence, it is concluded that these strains could be used as bioinoculants for maize crop
Fluorescent pseudomonads, rhizosphere, maize, plant growth promotion
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