Andrographis echioides (L.) Nees is an erect annual herb under the family Acanthaceae. The plant is seen as an invasive weed in tropical areas. The whole plant has medicinal properties hence widely exploited that creates threat to its existence. Only a few studies were done on this plant. This work is an attempt to reveal the advantages of callus cultures in the propogation and to evaluate the antibacterial activity of both the leaf and the callus extract. For tissue culture studies different hormone combinations were used to observe the profuse callus growth. NAA/ BA combinations showed profuse callus growth. For antibacterial studies three bacterial strains were used. Only the leaf extracts showed the inhibition where as no response was noticed in the case of the callus extracts. Based on the present studies, it is concluded that tissue culture is an easy method to protect and conserve the plant from extinction and the callus culture extracts are less efficient as an antibacterial agent.
Andrographis echioides, tissue culture, callus, leaf extract, antibacterial activities
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