Mycobacterium bovis 3/86 strain isolated from cattle was characterized based on RD region encodedMb3904, Mb3905 and Mb2002c gene sequences. PCR was performed to amplify Mb3904, Mb3905 and Mb2002c genes. Restriction enzymes digested amplified geneswere cloned in compatible pET vector and sequenced with vector specific primers. The sequenced genes and its deduced amino acid sequences were compared with the published sequences of reference strains. The sequences of the Mb3904, Mb3905 and Mb2002c genes share 99.6 to 100% nucleotide homology and 99.5 to 100% deduced protein sequence homology for all studied genes with published reference mycobacterial strains indicating their conserved nature.
Mycobacterium bovis, Mb3904 gene, Mb3905 gene, Mb2002c gene, sequencing
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